Source code for spade.presence

from typing import Dict, Optional

import aioxmpp
from aioxmpp import PresenceState, PresenceShow

[docs]class ContactNotFound(Exception): """ """ pass
[docs]class PresenceManager(object): """ """ def __init__(self, agent): self.agent = agent self.client = agent.client self.roster = self.client.summon(aioxmpp.RosterClient) self.presenceclient = self.client.summon(aioxmpp.PresenceClient) self.presenceserver = self.client.summon(aioxmpp.PresenceServer) self._contacts = {} self.approve_all = False self.presenceclient.on_bare_available.connect(self._on_bare_available) self.presenceclient.on_available.connect(self._on_available) self.presenceclient.on_bare_unavailable.connect(self._on_bare_unavailable) self.presenceclient.on_unavailable.connect(self._on_unavailable) self.presenceclient.on_changed.connect(self._on_changed) self.roster.on_subscribe.connect(self._on_subscribe) self.roster.on_subscribed.connect(self._on_subscribed) self.roster.on_unsubscribe.connect(self._on_unsubscribe) self.roster.on_unsubscribed.connect(self._on_unsubscribed) @property def state(self) -> aioxmpp.PresenceState: """ The currently set presence state (as aioxmpp.PresenceState) which is broadcast when the client connects and when the presence is re-emitted. This attribute cannot be written. It does not reflect the actual presence seen by others. For example when the client is in fact offline, others will see unavailable presence no matter what is set here. Returns: aioxmpp.PresenceState: the presence state of the agent """ return self.presenceserver.state @property def status(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ The currently set textual presence status which is broadcast when the client connects and when the presence is re-emitted. This attribute cannot be written. It does not reflect the actual presence seen by others. For example when the client is in fact offline, others will see unavailable presence no matter what is set here. Returns: dict: a dict with the status in different languages (default key is None) """ return self.presenceserver.status @property def priority(self) -> int: """ The currently set priority which is broadcast when the client connects and when the presence is re-emitted. This attribute cannot be written. It does not reflect the actual presence seen by others. For example when the client is in fact offline, others will see unavailable presence no matter what is set here. Returns: int: the priority of the connection """ return self.presenceserver.priority
[docs] def is_available(self) -> bool: """ Returns the available flag from the state Returns: bool: wether the agent is available or not """ return self.state.available
[docs] def set_available(self, show: Optional[aioxmpp.PresenceShow] = PresenceShow.NONE): """ Sets the agent availability to True. Args: show (aioxmpp.PresenceShow, optional): the show state of the presence (Default value = PresenceShow.NONE) """ show = if show is PresenceShow.NONE else show self.set_presence(PresenceState(available=True, show=show))
[docs] def set_unavailable(self) -> None: """Sets the agent availability to False.""" show = PresenceShow.NONE self.set_presence(PresenceState(available=False, show=show))
[docs] def set_presence( self, state: Optional[aioxmpp.PresenceState] = None, status: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Change the presence broadcast by the client. If the client is currently connected, the new presence is broadcast immediately. Args: state(aioxmpp.PresenceState, optional): New presence state to broadcast (Default value = None) status(dict or str, optional): New status information to broadcast (Default value = None) priority (int, optional): New priority for the resource (Default value = None) """ state = state if state is not None else self.state status = status if status is not None else self.status priority = priority if priority is not None else self.priority self.presenceserver.set_presence(state, status, priority)
[docs] def get_contacts(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Returns list of contacts Returns: dict: the roster of contacts """ for jid, item in self.roster.items.items(): try: self._contacts[jid.bare()].update(item.export_as_json()) except KeyError: self._contacts[jid.bare()] = item.export_as_json() return self._contacts
[docs] def get_contact(self, jid: aioxmpp.JID) -> Dict: """ Returns a contact Args: jid (aioxmpp.JID): jid of the contact Returns: dict: the roster of contacts """ try: return self.get_contacts()[jid.bare()] except KeyError: raise ContactNotFound except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("jid must be an aioxmpp.JID object")
def _update_roster_with_presence(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ if stanza.from_.bare() == self.agent.jid.bare(): return try: self._contacts[stanza.from_.bare()].update({"presence": stanza}) except KeyError: self._contacts[stanza.from_.bare()] = {"presence": stanza}
[docs] def subscribe(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Asks for subscription Args: peer_jid (str): the JID you ask for subscriptiion """ self.roster.subscribe(aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(peer_jid).bare())
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Asks for unsubscription Args: peer_jid (str): the JID you ask for unsubscriptiion """ self.roster.unsubscribe(aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(peer_jid).bare())
[docs] def approve(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Approve a subscription request from jid Args: peer_jid (str): the JID to approve """ self.roster.approve(aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(peer_jid).bare())
def _on_bare_available(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self._update_roster_with_presence(stanza) self.on_available(str(stanza.from_), stanza) def _on_available(self, full_jid, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self._update_roster_with_presence(stanza) self.on_available(str(stanza.from_), stanza) def _on_unavailable(self, full_jid, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self._update_roster_with_presence(stanza) self.on_unavailable(str(stanza.from_), stanza) def _on_bare_unavailable(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self._update_roster_with_presence(stanza) self.on_unavailable(str(stanza.from_), stanza) def _on_changed(self, from_, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self._update_roster_with_presence(stanza) def _on_subscribe(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ if self.approve_all: self.roster.approve(stanza.from_.bare()) else: self.on_subscribe(str(stanza.from_)) def _on_subscribed(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self.on_subscribed(str(stanza.from_)) def _on_unsubscribe(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ if self.approve_all: aioxmpp.Presence( type_=aioxmpp.structs.PresenceType.UNSUBSCRIBED, to=stanza.from_.bare(), ) ) else: self.on_unsubscribe(str(stanza.from_)) def _on_unsubscribed(self, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ """ self.on_unsubscribed(str(stanza.from_))
[docs] def on_subscribe(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Callback called when a subscribe query is received. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent asking for subscription """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def on_subscribed(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Callback called when a subscribed message is received. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent that accepted subscription """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def on_unsubscribe(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Callback called when an unsubscribe query is received. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent asking for unsubscription """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def on_unsubscribed(self, peer_jid: str) -> None: """ Callback called when an unsubscribed message is received. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent that unsubscribed """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def on_available(self, peer_jid: str, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ Callback called when a contact becomes available. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent that is available stanza (aioxmpp.Presence): The presence message containing type, show, priority and status values. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def on_unavailable(self, peer_jid: str, stanza: aioxmpp.Presence) -> None: """ Callback called when a contact becomes unavailable. To be overloaded by user. Args: peer_jid (str): the JID of the agent that is unavailable stanza (aioxmpp.Presence): The presence message containing type, show, priority and status values. """ pass # pragma: no cover