Source code for spade.agent

import asyncio
import logging
import sys
from asyncio import Task
from hashlib import md5
from typing import Coroutine, Optional, Type, Any, List, TypeVar

import aiosasl
import aioxmpp
import aioxmpp.ibr as ibr
from aioxmpp.dispatcher import SimpleMessageDispatcher

from .behaviour import BehaviourType, FSMBehaviour, CyclicBehaviour
from .container import Container
from .message import Message
from .presence import PresenceManager
from .template import Template
from .trace import TraceStore
from .web import WebApp

logger = logging.getLogger("spade.Agent")

AgentType = TypeVar("AgentType", bound="Agent")

[docs]class AuthenticationFailure(Exception): """ """ pass
[docs]class Agent(object): def __init__(self, jid: str, password: str, verify_security: bool = False): """ Creates an agent Args: jid (str): The identifier of the agent in the form username@server password (str): The password to connect to the server verify_security (bool): Wether to verify or not the SSL certificates """ self.jid = aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(jid) self.password = password self.verify_security = verify_security self.behaviours = [] self._values = {} self.conn_coro = None = None self.client = None self.message_dispatcher = None self.presence = None self.loop = None self.container = Container() self.container.register(self) self.loop = self.container.loop asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) # Web service self.web = WebApp(agent=self) self.traces = TraceStore(size=1000) self._alive = asyncio.Event()
[docs] def set_loop(self, loop) -> None: self.loop = loop
[docs] def set_container(self, container: Container) -> None: """ Sets the container to which the agent is attached Args: container (spade.container.Container): the container to be attached to """ self.container = container
[docs] async def start(self, auto_register: bool = True) -> None: """ Starts this agent. Args: auto_register (bool): register the agent in the server (Default value = True) Returns: None """ return await self._async_start(auto_register=auto_register)
async def _async_start(self, auto_register: bool = True) -> None: """ Starts the agent from a coroutine. This fires some actions: * if auto_register: register the agent in the server * runs the event loop * connects the agent to the server * runs the registered behaviours Args: auto_register (bool, optional): register the agent in the server (Default value = True) """ await self._hook_plugin_before_connection() if auto_register: await self._async_register() self.client = aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient( self.jid, aioxmpp.make_security_layer( self.password, no_verify=not self.verify_security ), logger=logging.getLogger(self.jid.localpart), ) # obtain an instance of the service self.message_dispatcher = self.client.summon(SimpleMessageDispatcher) # Presence service self.presence = PresenceManager(self) await self._async_connect() # register a message callback here self.message_dispatcher.register_callback( aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT, None, self._message_received, ) await self._hook_plugin_after_connection() await self.setup() self._alive.set() for behaviour in self.behaviours: if not behaviour.is_running: behaviour.set_agent(self) if issubclass(type(behaviour), FSMBehaviour): for _, state in behaviour.get_states().items(): state.set_agent(self) behaviour.start() async def _hook_plugin_before_connection(self) -> None: """ Overload this method to hook a plugin before connetion is done """ pass async def _hook_plugin_after_connection(self) -> None: """ Overload this method to hook a plugin after connetion is done """ pass async def _async_connect(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """connect and authenticate to the XMPP server. Async mode.""" try: self.conn_coro = self.client.connected() aenter = type(self.conn_coro).__aenter__(self.conn_coro) = await aenter"Agent {str(self.jid)} connected and authenticated.") except aiosasl.AuthenticationFailure: raise AuthenticationFailure( "Could not authenticate the agent. Check user and password or use auto_register=True" ) async def _async_register(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Register the agent in the XMPP server from a coroutine.""" metadata = aioxmpp.make_security_layer(None, no_verify=not self.verify_security) query = ibr.Query(self.jid.localpart, self.password) _, stream, features = await aioxmpp.node.connect_xmlstream(self.jid, metadata) await ibr.register(stream, query)
[docs] async def setup(self) -> None: """ Setup agent before startup. This coroutine may be overloaded. """ await asyncio.sleep(0)
@property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the agent (the string before the '@') Returns: str: the name of the agent (the string before the '@') """ return self.jid.localpart @property def avatar(self) -> str: """ Generates a unique avatar for the agent based on its JID. Uses Gravatar service with MonsterID option. Returns: str: the url of the agent's avatar """ return self.build_avatar_url(self.jid.bare())
[docs] @staticmethod def build_avatar_url(jid: str) -> str: """ Static method to build a gravatar url with the agent's JID Args: jid (aioxmpp.JID): an XMPP identifier Returns: str: an URL for the gravatar """ digest = md5(str(jid).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() return "{md5}?d=monsterid".format(md5=digest)
[docs] def submit(self, coro: Coroutine) -> Task: """ Runs a coroutine in the event loop of the agent. this call is not blocking. Args: coro (Coroutine): the coroutine to be run Returns: asyncio.Task: the Task assigned to the coroutine execution """ return asyncio.create_task(coro)
[docs] def add_behaviour( self, behaviour: BehaviourType, template: Optional[Template] = None ) -> None: """ Adds and starts a behaviour to the agent. If template is not None it is used to match new messages and deliver them to the behaviour. Args: behaviour (Type[spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour]): the behaviour to be started template (spade.template.Template, optional): the template to match messages with (Default value = None) """ behaviour.set_agent(agent=self) if issubclass(type(behaviour), FSMBehaviour): for _, state in behaviour.get_states().items(): state.set_agent(self) behaviour.set_template(template) self.behaviours.append(behaviour) if self.is_alive(): behaviour.start()
[docs] def remove_behaviour(self, behaviour: Type[CyclicBehaviour]) -> None: """ Removes a behaviour from the agent. The behaviour is first killed. Args: behaviour (Type[spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour]): the behaviour instance to be removed """ if not self.has_behaviour(behaviour): raise ValueError("This behaviour is not registered") index = self.behaviours.index(behaviour) self.behaviours[index].kill() self.behaviours.pop(index)
[docs] def has_behaviour(self, behaviour: Type[CyclicBehaviour]) -> bool: """ Checks if a behaviour is added to an agent. Args: behaviour (Type[spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour]): the behaviour instance to check Returns: bool: a boolean that indicates wether the behaviour is inside the agent. """ return behaviour in self.behaviours
[docs] async def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops this agent. """ return await self._async_stop()
async def _async_stop(self) -> None: """Stops an agent and kills all its behaviours.""" if self.presence: self.presence.set_unavailable() for behav in self.behaviours: behav.kill() if self.web.is_started(): await self.web.runner.cleanup() if self.is_alive(): # Disconnect from XMPP server self.client.stop() aexit = self.conn_coro.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()) await aexit"Client disconnected.") self._alive.clear()
[docs] def is_alive(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the agent is alive. Returns: bool: wheter the agent is alive or not """ return self._alive.is_set()
[docs] def set(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Stores a knowledge item in the agent knowledge base. Args: name (str): name of the item value (object): value of the item """ self._values[name] = value
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> Any: """ Recovers a knowledge item from the agent's knowledge base. Args: name(str): name of the item Returns: object: the object retrieved or None """ if name in self._values: return self._values[name] else: return None
def _message_received(self, msg: aioxmpp.Message) -> List[Task]: """ Callback run when an XMPP Message is reveived. This callback delivers the message to every behaviour that is waiting for it. First, the aioxmpp.Message is converted to spade.message.Message Args: msg (aioxmpp.Messagge): the message just received. Returns: list(asyncio.Future): a list of futures of the append of the message at each matched behaviour. """ msg = Message.from_node(msg) return self.dispatch(msg)
[docs] def dispatch(self, msg: Message) -> List[Task]: """ Dispatch the message to every behaviour that is waiting for it using their templates match. Args: msg (spade.message.Message): the message to dispatch. Returns: list(asyncio.Future): a list of tasks for each message queuing in each matching behavior. """ logger.debug(f"Got message: {msg}") tasks = [] matched = False for behaviour in (x for x in self.behaviours if x.match(msg)): tasks.append(self.submit(behaviour.enqueue(msg))) logger.debug(f"Message enqueued to behaviour: {behaviour}") self.traces.append(msg, category=str(behaviour)) matched = True if not matched: logger.warning(f"No behaviour matched for message: {msg}") self.traces.append(msg) return tasks